Center for Ethics events summaries

Why is trump so enjoyable? 9/7/2017

William Mazzarella started to discuss that people chanting Trumps name makes people feel uncomfortable. They feel uncomfortable because they are afraid of Donald Trump. There are so many criticisms about trump on news and also on social media. However, this gives trump more attention, all the hate motivates him more to be him. He mentioned that trump likes it if others are dissatisfied. There is enjoyment for Trump himself, his followers and his critics. You get what you need not what you want, this is how Mazzarella describes the Trump regime. On twitter Trump often uses the word witch hunt, to talk about the people want to hold him back from ‘’making America great again’’.


A Cloud of Unknowing in American Religion and Politics 25/10/2017

Stephen Prothero talks about the political effects religious ignorance has, but also ignorance in general. He talks about how his daughter couldn’t tell him which other characters are portrayed in the bible besides Jesus. It is extra ironic because they were just driving back from a bible study. He is also saying that most Americans didn’t even know the 4 gospels. In Austria, it is the other way around than in the USA, they don’t go to church but know a lot about the bible, here in the US a lot of people go to church but don’t know a lot about the bible. You don’t have to be religious, but you have to know about religions to understand the world.

Achy Obejas Talk 11/1/2017

Achy Obejas started with reading out loud The March she wrote, it was about that we want nothing about us without us. Another thing she talked about was that the men in power do not change the gun legislations (she hates Trump). People don’t die from stopping the freedom to purchase gun, they do die from gun violence. She told us about a philosopher who believed that we can all see the dead of racism, but is still happening (neo Nazis in Charlottesville). After that she read out a poem in which she used a lot of you, you, you, it irritated me a bit but it made me feel more engaged too. According to Obejas we must save the future, because there will always be one. It is hard to get content with painful history, our goal lays before us not behind us. So, we have to feel responsible for the future. In my opinion, it was an interesting talk, I really like the things she said about the future it gave me more ease.


This is a draft with all my starting ideas I have for my third essay, this draft doesn’t have a introduction and conclusion yet.

 #3 Maps subjective x Maps matter when you look at them from their own time perspective

Maps are always subjective because of the different perspectives and imaginations cartographers have. Because of this maps each map matters when you look at it, from the time the cartographer lived in. Over the years maps develop because land that they portrait changes over time. A map can only reflect on a certain time period, how, it only focuses on the time the map was made in. To understand a map better you have to know the location it shows, the time period it was made in and have a little information about the carthographer. That is why sandbanks, in the map of the Netherlands, are so interesting because they focus on a very short time period. When cartographers make a map of sandbanks they also have to make a map where they are not seen. The reason for this is that half of the day they are visible and half of the day they aren’t. Cartographers can also display sandbanks different than eternal land, making temporary land a little shadier for example. Turchi says ‘‘In stories and novels, white space is commonly used to separate sections. Sometimes the effect is dramatic emphasis, as in a cutaway from an impending or just-completed action. The inevitable event, or its immediate aftermath, is left for us to imagine.’’ (Turchi 49). Blank spaces itself are timeless and they matter from every time perspective you view them from. However, when you start thinking about why a certain blank space was placed somewhere, it doesn’t matter from every time perspective. Cartographers from different time periods could have had different reasons where to put blank spaces. When you look at the map of Holland you can see that sailors might be the ones to use it because it displays sandbanks. There are a lot of different audiences for maps. There are subway maps, highway maps, museum maps and many more. [[find turchi bike map]]. What most maps have in common is that they show where you are and what is around you.

Weekly Writing 9

Over the course of the semester my writing has changed a lot. At the beginning my English was obviously not on the same level as it is right now. I still think in Dutch so sometimes, especially when I am tired, that makes it harder for me to talk and write English. I hope that I will eventually start thinking in English more, but I know time will take care of that. It is still hard for me sometimes to express my thoughts in English, but it has gotten better during the semester. Talking and writing are two complete different things. When you talk you have less time to think about what you want to say. Writing is easier for me because I have got longer the time to think about how to create a sophisticated English sentence. The way my writing has changed is that my sentences became more advanced and connected, I feel like every single writing has got better during the semester. An example from my earlier writings is this sentence: ‘’If they wouldn’t stop I would just confront them with what they were saying or doing and that it is not acceptable’’. This sentence comes from something I wrote on the 30th of August, the title of that writing is What would I do when I witnessed racism? This sentence is a little chaotic. ‘’If they wouldn’t listen to me I would confront them with their unacceptable behavior’’.

I think the good thing about my writing is that I have got good ideas and that I sometimes personalize my ideas. My first essay, second essay and my creative writing from October the 16th are great examples of that, and also my favorite writings. In those writings, I discuss why every map is subjective, that every map matters if you look to it from the time it was made in and how cartographers were able to create maps.  I am aware how to improve my English writing because I followed extra English lessons when I was at home, to prepare me for studying in English. Reading English books, listening to English radio and watching English television increases vocabulary, with more advanced vocabulary it is easier to make better sentences. I think that learning new words is the most important thing about learning a new language. Knowing synonyms and other ways to describe something is necessary to master a language, I feel that during the semester I got better at that. The use of words and the construction of my sentences in one of my latest writings, Explaining Thanksgiving is much better than in my first writing Why do maps matter?

The way my process of writing has changed is that throughout the semester it became easier to start and keep writing in English. At the beginning, I had to think more about what I was going to say, now it goes more fluent and easy. I don’t really want to completely rewrite some pieces that I wrote. Some have some small grammar and spelling mistakes, so I might want to make those pieces with little mistakes better. For my final essay, I am going to combine ideas from my first and second essay and expand them. So, I kind of rewrite and expand those.





Writing in class on 11/29

A sentence that fascinated me in Turchi’s ‘’Plus Ultra’’ chapter is: ‘’For a very long time, mapmakers have not started at the beginning’’ (p.220). I have never thought about it that way. A map has no beginning or an end. For example, when you draw a world map you can start with drawing Africa or South-America there is no real beginning on a map. Map makers don’t have to have a beginning when they start drawing.

Explaining Thanksgiving

I believe that this map explains thanksgiving very well as a family fest. Nowadays a lot of family members in America live not close to each other. Jobs, college, dreams and love separate families, these cannot always be found close to where family members live. All these people want to see their families during thanksgiving and have dinner together so they have to fly when the distance gets too big. These 5 airports are the busiest in the USA during thanksgiving. On the map it also says, under each airport, when it is the best time to go to airport. For example, under LAX it says that you can get there the best before 3 pm and after 10 pm. The times 3 and 10 pm are popular times to fly because they are not too early and too late. So, this maps shows how families try to be together, by flying to each other during thanksgiving.


The map that I found:

Reviewing Others’ Writing Portfolios (uploaded on canvas on 20/11)

I reviewed Alicia’s writing first. Her writings were getting more comprehensive over the semester. Here second paper also had more details than her first one. In her writing about how she sees herself as a writer I agree with her saying that sometimes 2 pages is enough to write about a topic, and you don’t need 3 pages to write about that. Secondly, I reviewed Sean’s writings, in my opinion he got better at expressing his thoughts on paper over the semester. I really like the story about the Swiss Army Knife, love for a sport you play is the most important thing. Lastly, I took a look at Rose’s page. She became even better in making her writings better more fluent. I really enjoyed how detailed she can write. Also, something else, I really liked how her page looked, it was very well organized and easy for me to find her writings.


Victor Jacobs

Professor Albert

FYS: The Power of Maps

20 November 2017


In 1799 when this map, A New Map of United Provinces, comprehending Holland, Zealand, Utrecht, Gelders, over Yssel, Friesland, and Groningen; with the Lands of Drent, Dutch Flanders and Dutch Brabant, was made Holland wasn’t just called The Netherlands. It was called, in Dutch, ‘’Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden’’. Translated that means Republic of the seven united Netherlands. As you can see on this map Holland has got 7 provinces, but The Netherlands in 2017 have got 12 provinces. One thing that is different is that in this map however one province, named Flevoland was not even ‘’built’. In 1916 the Zuiderzee works began, this is a man-made system of dams and dikes which reclaimed land in the Zuiderzee.[1] So this map from 1799 has got a different shape than now. This map tells us some things about the time it was made in so that is why it still matters. It is interesting how maps change and develop over time but every map matters when you look to it from the time perspective it was made in. We have to understand the time in which the map was made in order to understand the map. With knowledge from an older map we can also understand the maps from this time better, in that way we are able to understand the changes.

The sandbanks, who only occur for a certain time, are very noticeable in this map. There are so many sandbanks in the North of Holland and the cartographer drew them all. John Cary didn’t draw anything in the sandbanks because it is obviously not possible to build anything on them because they are temporary land. I think it is interesting because cartographers only portrait permanent land and sea. The reason for that is because maps would be useless when they wouldn’t picture lasting land. That is why every now and then map makers make new maps, to keep everything up to date.  These sandbanks, located in the Wadden Sea, are not permanent because they only occur during low tight and they do not have the same shape every day. Holland has got a rich history of sailors. During the Dutch Golden Age, the Dutch men overruled the world. Sailors traveled everywhere around the world to trade and Holland became a world power. Although the Golden Age ended around one hundred years before this map was made, sailors have always played an important role in The Netherlands because we border on the sea. Sailors might have interest in where the sandbanks are located, because then sailors can clearly see where they can sail and where not. Sandbanks are very dangerous because a ship can get stranded there and it can cause serious damage to the boat. For sailors, these sandbanks are probably the main focus of the map. Especially sailors from other countries can get a good overview of where to go on land.

In this map, it is very obvious how exposed Holland is to the water. There are numerous rivers, lakes and bays. The North Sea is located on the left, dikes protect the Netherlands from the always threatening sea. The Dutch have always struggled with this cold water, because a lot of land is below sea level. The water has also helped them winning battles. For example, during the year 1574 the Dutch Navy liberated Leiden from the Spanish. They were trying to occupy Leiden by surrounding it and waiting for the population, who were hiding in a castle, to surrender. The Dutch navy made holes in dikes so the Spanish army had to leave because the water was making it impossible to stay outside the castle.  During the year the map was published, the Dutch and French won a battle against the Russians and English in North Holland. John Cary named his map ‘’A New Map of United Provinces’’ which can be seen as a statement because the English and Russians didn’t accomplish in conquering the province of North Holland and dividing it with the other provinces.
This map by John Cary has some great details that tell us something about the time it was made in. Sailors, who played an important role around that time, can use this map for the sandbanks because it gives a great overview of where they are located. The water, which is highly present in the map, played an important role in our history and it saved the city Leiden. This map tells some great indirect stories about the time it was made in, if you look at details like sandbanks and the water. They both give time perspective to the map, it makes viewers understand the history of the map.

[1] Smits, Mari. “De Don Quichot Van De Zuiderzeewerken: Eibert Den Herder.”, Historiek, 2 May 2016,


Thanksgiving map suggestion

I would like to see a map about how many immigrants, with no American passport, celebrate thanksgiving. This map would be interesting because in this way you could see how good immigrants assimilated in the American culture. Thanksgiving is one thing that it very important to most Americans. It is deeply settled in their culture. In think, it depends on how long immigrants live in America. The longer you live here the more you are familiar with the culture.



Map used: A New Map of United Provinces, comprehending Holland, Zealand, Utrecht, Gelders, over Yssel, Friesland, and Groningen; with the Lands of Drent, Dutch Flanders and Dutch Brabant by John Cary in 1799.

This map would be useless now, so does every map that is older than 20 years. It is not that everything in the map is useless most of the time only a few small things in a map become out of date. Once to many details in a map get out dated the map needs to be replaced. This map from 1799 is different compared to what Holland looks like now. It is interesting how maps change and develop over time but every map matters when you look to it from the time perspective it was made in. We have to understand the time in which the map was made in order to understand the map. With knowledge from an older map we can also understand the maps from this time better, in that way we are able to understand the changes.

The first thing that I noticed were the sandbanks who only occur for a certain time. There are so many sandbanks in the North of Holland and the cartographer drew them all. John Cary didn’t draw anything in the sandbanks because it is obviously not possible to build anything on them. I think it is interesting because cartographers only portrait permanent land and sea as far as I know. The reason for that is because maps would be useless when they wouldn’t picture lasting land. That is why every now and then map makers make new maps, to keep everything up to date.  These sandbanks, located in the Wadden Sea, are not permanent because they only occur during low tight and they do not have the same shape every day. Sailors are the only ones who might have interest in where the sandbanks are located. Because then sailors can see clearly where they can sail and where not. Sandbanks are dangerous because a ship can be stranded there and it can cause serious damage to the ship. But these sandbanks are not the main focus this map has, because it is zoomed out so that you can see the whole country. Also, the title shows that the map is about all the united provinces. Thus, I think that sailors wouldn’t really use this map, maybe to get a quick overview of The Netherlands and where the big sandbanks are. Talking about the name The Netherlands, in 1799 it was called ‘’Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden’’. Translated that means Republic of the seven united Netherlands. Holland started with 7 provinces but The Netherlands anno 2017 got 12 provinces. One thing that is different is that in this map however one province, named Flevoland was not even ‘’built’. In 1916 the Zuiderzee works began, this is a man-made system of dams and dikes which reclaimed land in the Zuiderzee.  The most important detail in this map is that there is so much water in this map, it is very obvious how exposed Holland is to the water. Holland is located with the North Sea on her left. The North Sea is the coldest sea in the world with an average summer temperature of 63 Fahrenheit. We have always struggled with this cold water, because a lot of our land is below sea level. The water has also helped us winning battles. For example, during the year 1574 the Dutch Navy liberated my hometown from the Spanish, who were surrounding my city, by destroying the dike. The Spanish army had to leave because the water was making it impossible to encircle and they left my city alone.  During the year the map was published, the Dutch and French won a battle against the Russians and English men in North Holland. John Cary named his map ‘’A New Map of United Provinces’’ which can be seen as an understatement because the English and Russians didn’t accomplish in overcoming the province North Holland. So, all the provinces were united and North Holland was not separated. This map tells us a lot about the time it was made in so that is why it still matters.

Short writing Wood 10/30

What is the most important thing wood is saying?

The most important thing Denis Wood is saying is that you can make a map of everything. He made maps of everything from pumpkins to graffiti. He keeps changing his perspective on different areas by changing the main purpose of the map. I like that because I think you can also see it as a way to look at our soeveryone needs to always change perspective in or